Restored Colonial Brown Bess/Officers Fusil Musket .58 cal.
By Rick Baker, ColonialRifleSmith
This musket has a unique story.
I picked up this stock with all the brass furniture at a French & Indian War event I attended June 2024. I felt that I had enough parts in my shop to finish out this musket. I did.
The lock is an unmarked lock I picked up on Ebay a while back. I polished all the surfaces and tuned it well. The mortice was cut for a Brown Bess Lock. There were slight adjustments, but the lock fit rather well with decent touch off.
The barrel is a Revolutionary War ear musket barrel in very good condition. However, honing all the imperfections would make it too thin. After a thorough cleaning, I relined the barrel with a 75000 psi. barrel liner.
The barrel is (now) an unmarked .58 cal. tapered round smoothbore barrel, 36.5-inches long.
The front sight is a solder on steel spider sight.
The stock is Walnut finished with 2 hand rubbed coats of Tung Oil and 3 applications of BriWax.
I have no idea how old this stock is. I know that the condition it was in, it has seen a good amount of service.
The furniture is traditional brass with steel ramrod, and sling swivels.
Traditional white, Brown Bess Leather Sling.
The Length of pull is 14-inches. Overall length is 53-inches.
The musket weighs in under 10 pounds.
This most excellent Musket can be yours for
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