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F-376 .75 cal. North West Trade Gun, Canoe Gun

This North West Trade Gun was built by Rick Baker, ColonialRifleSmith.

The barrel is an unmarked .75 cal. tapered round smoothbore barrel, 25-inches long.

The lock is an L&R Trade Gun Lock.

This lock features a very fast timing with the trigger set for a light touch off.

The forearm has a knot which gives the musket a personal characteristic unlike any other.

The front sight is a solder on brass turtle sight.

The stock is a Rich Red Pennsylvania Wild Cherry finished with 2 hand rubbed coats of Tung Oil and 3 applications of BriWax. 

The furniture is traditional brass with a steel large bow trigger guard.

The Length of pull is 13.5-inches. Overall length is 40-inches.

The Trade Gun weighs in at 5 pounds.

This most excellent Canoe Gun can be yours for

 $1495.00  Free shipping to your front door.